Digital Nomad CourseHow to become location independent
If you’re like most folks in the world today, you’ve been working for years to make ends meet—faithfully going to work and going through the motions to support yourself, maybe your family, and probably to pay-off debts.
Some days you probably wonder,
“Whatever happened to my dreams? Am I ever going to get to see the places I’ve read about and longed to visit?”
We know how that feels. It’s what motivated us to create the NuNomad course just for you.
You can change your life, work the hours that YOU want. Create meaningful products and services that millions of people want.
These aren’t just dreams, we’ve seen this in action countless times.
Table of contents
- A guide – for individuals who want to maintain an income while they travel the world without having to be an Internet expert or experienced traveler.
- A resource – which explains how successful Nu Nomads manage their businesses from the road and their motivations for doing so.
- A source of encouragement – for people who feel they will die a slow death if they don’t break out of their cubicle—their rut—and see what the world has to offer.
- A source of validation – for people who measure personal wealth in terms of their experiences and not in terms of bank accounts or material items; for those who seek to redesign their lifestyle.
- A set of signposts – for people who are looking for tips and advice from a like-minded community that will help them make their dream adventure come true.
- In-depth analysis of current trends in revenue streams, approaches to your working week, where to travel
- The latest legal and tax advice. Knowing how to organise your accounts, tax payments and more.
It’s so simple, just click the button below and we’ll email the course to you.
Download the PDF version – includes additional worksheets and links – Get the PDF E-Book Course now
Up until recently, the words “work” and “travel” were about as complementary as “timecard” and “boarding pass”.
Traditionally, you went to work and if you did it long enough and well enough— that is, to bank some savings and vacation time—you might get lucky and earn the means to travel.
After a brief holiday, with your savings usually greatly depleted, you went back to the same old grind. Luckily, times have changed.
The NuNomad is a “how-to” manual for those who are serious about breaking out of the rat race and into the world. This resource includes information on all vital aspects of designing a location-independent lifestyle. Sections include:
- How to design a life that reflects your innermost values. (Is a location-independent life right for you?)
- How to create a strategy that moves you from point A (your current life) to point B (the world!)
- How to manage your personal obligations, from business to home commitments
- How to maintain your income on the road, including raising and saving money and creating a mobile business
- How to make your profession mobile
- Examples of Digital Nomad compatible professions, occupations and businesses
- Travel gear, documents and immunisations you’ll need
- Equipment requirements for the mobile office
- How to protect your health, valuables and children in foreign lands
- Advice and tips on free services and technologies that help make your office mobile
There are a couple of reasons why we’ve created this course.
We, as well as most of our friends and associates, are travel junkies. Moreover, we’ve lived that other life—so many hours working, so few hours traveling, so few hours enjoying life.
And, like you, we’ve asked ourselves, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Well, we’ve found a way to integrate travel with our various professions, reducing our total work week and getting more out of life in the bargain.
Fewer work hours. Environments of our own choosing. More money in the bank. That’s why we do what we do.
We know first-hand how difficult it is to leave your life as you know it behind, and take the leap from the 9 to 5 grind to a NuNomad lifestyle.
Taking even a month-long vacation is not easy and preparing for a six-month—or longer— trip can be daunting, let alone trying to incorporate work into the mix. However, through this course, you can benefit from our experience, as well as that of other NuNomads.
We are living proof that you can make your dream a reality, and do it without unnecessary aggravation.
So if you’re ready for a change is scenery—a change in life—let The NuNomad be your guide.
Download the PDF version – includes additional worksheets and links – Get the PDF E-Book Course now